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Chinese translation for "advanced uses"


Related Translations:
advance:  vt.1.进,推进;促进(生长),助长;拨进(时针),增进;提早,提前。2.使升级,提升。3.提高,抬高,涨,加(价等)。4.提出(意见等),提倡。5.预付,预支;借贷。6.前去(某地)做先遣工作。 advance the hour hand 向前拨动时针。 advance sb. to the rank of colonel 提升某人为上校。 advance sb. a
advanced:  adj.1.前进的,先驱的;高等的,高深的。2.先进的。3.(年纪)老的,(夜)深的。短语和例子most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 rather an advanced young woman 较先进的妇女。 a man advanced in years 老年人。 advanced age 高龄
advancing:  超前的贷出价格进行性的掘进前进的前进式回采推进旺盛的正车的
advancer:  点火提前装置(相位)超前补偿器,进相机超前补偿机喷油提前角调节装置前进者相位超前补偿器
advances:  垫款手续费热付款套交情预付;垫款
used:  adj.1.习惯于〔作表语用〕。2.〔美国〕用过的,用旧了的,半旧的;精疲力尽的。短语和例子used books 〔美国〕旧书。 used heat 废热,余热。 be used to 惯于 (be used to getting up early 习惯早起。be used to hard work 惯于吃苦耐劳)。 get [become] used to 变得习惯于。
uses:  USES = United States Employment Service 美国就业局。
use:  n.1.使用,利用,应用;使用的机会[需要]。2.使用的能力。3.使用的自由,使用权。4.使用法。5.用途;效用,用处,利益。6.习惯,惯例;惯常的作法[仪式]。7.【法律】(托管土地等的)收益权。短语和例子Will there be any further use for big battleship in the future war 在未来的战争中还有使用大型战舰的必
Example Sentences:
1.The file store properties are for advanced use only
2.Most of these properties are for advanced use only
3.They are primarily for advanced use
4.This tab shows a more advanced use of regular expressions
5.Superpad illustrates advanced uses of
6.Cutting - edge research : advanced using an earth system science approach
7.Advanced use case modeling home page
8.For advanced use only
9.Refer to other mfc samples for illustrations of advanced use of these features
10.Is cash - advance used for travel and entertainment purpose ? if so , how to control it
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